Port Scanner
??? Port Scanner
This scanner is written in Java 6.0. Version may look too new due to requirement for JRE 6.0 , my apologies; but i really can't help embeded always updated behaviour.
A few more notes about this version
This ..
  • is command line version of the Port Scanner.
  • is the actual scan engine for further release.
  • software require JRE 6.0 to run.
  • version is multithreaded(no multisync/locks).
  • software can be configured to scan a port range.
To Run type java -jar PScanner.jar and hit enter. By default it will scan for port 1 to 1024, with 15 threads dividing the ports between them. Simple logic Mostly Works !!
To Download the comman Line version please Click Here
How To
Some tips n tricks to make port scanner work for you in better ways
  • To Scan Ports in specified range, type java -jar PScanner.jar <Starting Port> <Finishing Port> eg. java -jar PScanner.jar 435 8767
  • To speedup the Scan process try java -jar PScanner.jar <Starting Port> <Finishing Port> <Number of threads for scanning> eg. java -jar PScanner.jar 435 8767 30 It will override the default 15 thread use